据Esquire Middle East报道,《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙》(Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse),这部备受期待的大片由于无法通过审核要求,将被禁止在阿联酋、沙特和整个中东地区上映(has been banned in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and across the Middle East, as reported by Esquire Middle East)。

这部电影本应于6月22日在电影院上映,是2018年上映的《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》(Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)的续集。

网上流传着此片(在阿联酋等国)被禁的各种猜测,根据Esquire Middle East的报道,Vox Cinemas收到消息说这部电影将不会在阿联酋和沙特上映。在阿联酋和该地区上映的电影要遵守相关准则,必须符合当地的价值观和习俗(Movies that release in the UAE and in the region are subject to guidelines and must adhere to local values and customs)。

